- Designed for Raspberry Pi Model A+ (Can also fit B+ and 2B using optional mountings)
- Pre-assembled. Only requires front caster, battery holder and Pi to be screwed on and then push the wheels on.
- Raspberry Pi plugs directly onto the main PCB
- Two N20 size metal geared motors fully and individually controllable in software
- Built in line-follower sensors with indicator LEDs
- Separately controllable front LEDs left and right (on Agobo2 these are fully addressable RGB neopixels)
- Power on/off switch and LED
- Connector for optional plug-in ultrasonic distance sensor
- Breakout header for a standard serial console cable (ideal way to program a headless Model A+)
- Breakout I²C header for our IP Display dongle
- Prototyping area to add your own sensors
- Fully replicated 40-pin GPIO header so you can attach your own addons
- Additional mounting holes to attach sensors or extra hardware
Optional Extras
- Ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04) which simply plugs into the connector at the front
- Acrylic cover with mounting hardware to cover and protect the Raspberry Pi Model A+ (included as standard in Agobo2)
- PlusPlate™ Additional prototyping board and mounting hardware. This allows a full size area to add your own electronics from a simple LED, to more complex items including integrated circuits, RF modules and neopixels. See separate specification. The board comes complete with single, ready-wired, neoPixel with interface to extend to many, and a position for nRF24L01 socket
- Serial console cable which allows easy access to the Raspberry Pi command line without any setup required
- Super short micro USB cable to tidy up the battery connection
- Pre-loaded SD card with the latest Raspbian software and Agobo software (Python and Scratch)
- Wifi dongle
- Additional mounting accessories to enable mounting the Raspberry Pi B+ or Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
- A Python library module and examples can be downloaded directly onto the A+ (if it has an internet connection) or transferred via USB stick or console cable
- ScratchGPIO supports Agobo as an Addon board type from release 6.xxx (TBD)
- Purchase Agobo (opens in separate window)
- Walk through the Agobo features
- Assembly Instructions
- Software downloads
- Pre-release blog post (for interest only, specifications have changed)