Links for Various Resources for the 4tronix PiRoCon
If you are experiencing low power to the motors when using the DC Jack input, it is very likely that you have not set the power selection jumper correctly to the right as shown below:
New: PiRoCon v2 released
- Purchase PiRoCon
- Pirocon Rev 2 Updates
- Take a Tour of the features
- Connecting and using PiRoCon
- Assembling Initio with PiRoCon
- Scratch GPIO software examples
- Python Library Module and Examples
- If you purchased a Pirocon kit (very rare), please see Soldering the PiRoCon kit
- iBoost64 – Using the Input Booster for weaker sensors
- Pins 15 & 16 (Broadcom GPIOs 22 and 23) are swapped from what is shown on the silk screen
- Pin 11 is shown as GPIO 07 on the jumper bank, instead of GPIO 17