Python Software: Library & Examples
If you are setting up a new SD card, please follow the instructions in this PDF
We have created a python library module that allows you to use the same software to drive either the Pi2Go or the Pi2Go-Lite. Some functions can be directly mapped between the two products, but other functions will only work one one model or the other.
- Download the latest version of the software using wget like this from a command line (eg. LXTerminal):
wget -O
bash - This will create a new folder on your Pi in the /home/pi folder called pi2go
- Run the example files using the following (example is for motorTest):
sudo python - You need to use sudo as admin rights need to allow access to the GPIO pins
**NOTE** The hardware driven servos used on Pi2Go (not Pi2Go-Lite) must be driven using the on-board servo and PWM driver chip shared with the RGB LEDs. See this Adafruit tutorial for driving servos with this chip as it is the same one used in their 16-channel PWM/Servo driver. The Pi2Go servos are on the top four pins of this chip (pins 12 to 15).
Library Functions:
# General Functions
# (Both versions)
# init(). Initialises GPIO pins, switches motors and LEDs Off, etc
# cleanup(). Sets all motors and LEDs off and sets GPIO to standard values
# version(). Returns 1 for Full Pi2Go, and 2 for Pi2Go-Lite. Invalid until after init() has been called
# Motor Functions
# (Both Versions)
# stop(): Stops both motors
# forward(speed): Sets both motors to move forward at speed. 0 <= speed <= 100
# reverse(speed): Sets both motors to reverse at speed. 0 <= speed <= 100
# spinLeft(speed): Sets motors to turn opposite directions at speed. 0 <= speed <= 100
# spinRight(speed): Sets motors to turn opposite directions at speed. 0 <= speed <= 100
# turnForward(leftSpeed, rightSpeed): Moves forwards in an arc by setting different speeds. 0 <= leftSpeed,rightSpeed <= 100
# turnreverse(leftSpeed, rightSpeed): Moves backwards in an arc by setting different speeds. 0 <= leftSpeed,rightSpeed <= 100
# go(leftSpeed, rightSpeed): controls motors in both directions independently using different positive/negative speeds. -100<= leftSpeed,rightSpeed <= 100
# go(speed): controls motors in both directions together with positive/negative speed parameter. -100<= speed <= 100
# Wheel Sensor Functions
# (Pi2Go-Lite Only)
# stepForward(speed, steps): moves the unit forwards specified number of steps, then stops
# stepReverse(speed, steps): Moves backward specified number of counts, then stops
# stepSpinL(speed, steps): Spins left specified number of counts, then stops
# stepSpinR(speed, steps): Spins right specified number of counts, then stops
# RGB LED Functions
# (Full Pi2Go only)
# setLED(LED, Red, Green, Blue): Sets the LED specified to required RGB value. 0 >= LED <= 4; 0 <= R,G,B <= 4095
# setAllLEDs(Red, Green, Blue): Sets all LEDs to required RGB. 0 <= R,G,B <= 4095
# WHITE LED Functions
# (Pi2Go-Lite only)
# LsetLED(LED, value): Sets the LED specified to OFF == 0 or ON >= 1
# LsetAllLEDs(value): Sets both LEDs to OFF == 0 or ON >= 1
# IR Sensor Functions
# (Both Versions)
# irLeft(): Returns state of Left IR Obstacle sensor
# irRight(): Returns state of Right IR Obstacle sensor
# irCentre(): Returns state of Centre IR Obstacle sensor (Full Pi2Go Only)
# irAll(): Returns true if any of the Obstacle sensors are triggered
# irLeftLine(): Returns state of Left IR Line sensor
# irRightLine(): Returns state of Right IR Line sensor
# UltraSonic Functions
# (Both Versions)
# getDistance(). Returns the distance in cm to the nearest reflecting object. 0 == no object
# Light Sensor Functions
# (Full Pi2Go only)
# getLight(Sensor). Returns the value 0..1023 for the selected sensor, 0 <= Sensor <= 3
# getLightFL(). Returns the value 0..1023 for Front-Left light sensor
# getLightFR(). Returns the value 0..1023 for Front-Right light sensor
# getLightBL(). Returns the value 0..1023 for Back-Left light sensor
# getLightBR(). Returns the value 0..1023 for Back-Right light sensor
# Servo Functions
# startServos(). Initialises the servo background process
# stop Servos(). terminates the servo background process
# setServo(Servo, Degrees). Sets the servo (0 or 1) to position in degrees -90 to +90
# Switch Functions
# getSwitch(). Returns the value of the tact switch: True==pressed